TLV Road Safety

Transport en Logistiek Vlaanderen (Transport and Logistics Flanders) is the professional association of companies in transport and logistics. They represent over 1,500 companies, ranging from self-employed truck drivers to large companies. TLV tries to defend the interests of Flemish road hauliers and logistics service providers.


But they also think about the dangers that are inherent to road transport, especially when we’re talking about large trucks. That is why they have made several educational videos over the years, always in close cooperation with Manitoba. These videos are aimed at children of various ages. The goal is to explain how to stay safe when you’re biking or walking and you’re in the vicinity of a truck. How do you stay out of its blind spots? Videos such as this one are used during the hundreds of school visits that TLV organizes. This particular one is presented by a famous radio DJ, and uses creative ways of explaining the pitfalls of truck driving…